Our "Journey to France" was beautiful. Most people think of Paris & the Eiffel Tower when they think of France, but we decided to discover deeper, further, and see more of the true culture France offered. Paris is known for it's romance & rain days. Unfortunately, we flew in during the Euro Cup & the streets were flooded with millions of people. I had this dream or idea to get a romantic photo of me & David with the Eiffel tower in the background, as if on a rainy date day, wearing my red hat & red lips. Well, my Pinterest photo dream died that day. All thanks to the Euro Cup. Haha! Maybe we will try again someday. However, we did end up getting one photo without people. :P

After shoving through crowds of people, we took off to Southern France & the French Alps to get lost in the quietness and beauty we are used to back home. We drove many miles & had the chance to tour some amazing french castles, taste some pretty great french lattes, and enjoy delicious pastries.

10 hours later we ended up in Thones, France, where we primarily stayed and explored. We have this unique love for small towns, foreign people, and isolated landscapes. If felt great to wake up every morning with the sharp outlining of the French Alps peering through our windows, as if teasing us to stay longer.

During our afternoons, we'd hit up every little town among those mountains & by evening, we would be back at Thones to enjoy our favorite espressos & the warmth of the locals. But our exploration of France does not end here..

"Journey to France" to be continued...
Photography by Fesiuk Films
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